Preparation for preventing and treating tympanitis and dental caries
Patent number: CN1557339
Publication date: 2004-12-29
Applicant: GAO CHUNPING (CN)
- international: A61K35/20; A61K39/02; A61K39/395; A61P27/02; A61P1/02
- european:
Application number: CN200410015852 20040115
Priority number(s): CN200410015852 20040115
Abstract of CN1557339
The present invention is the method of preparing otitis media and caries pathogenic bacteria resisting specific immune globulin form immunized cow secreted colostrums or milk and its application. The present invention features that vaccines prepared with Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pferffer's bacteria, mucosal Branhamelis catarrhoils and variant streptococcus are injected to health cow before parturition, and the secreted colostrums or milk is collected, centrifuged to eliminate fat, pH regulated to acid, casein eliminated via heating, coagulating, depositing and filtering, ultrafiltered, concentrated, and freeze or spray dried to obtain the specific antigen powder for resisting otitis media and caries. The preparation is used in treating otitis media and caries.
Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
