Picosecond Internal Dynamics of Lysozyme as Affected by Thermal Unfolding in Nonaqueous Environment

Picosecond Internal Dynamics of Lysozyme as Affected by Thermal Unfolding in Nonaqueous Environment
A. De Francesco, M. Marconi, S. Cinelli, G. Onori and A. Paciaroni
Biophysical Journal

A neutron-scattering investigation of the internal picosecond dynamics of lysozyme solvated in glycerol as a function of temperature in the range 200?410 K has been undertaken. The inelastic contribution to the measured intensity is characterized by the presence of a bump generally known as "boson peak", clearly distinguishable at low temperature. When the temperature is increased the quasielastic component of the spectrum becomes more and more intrusive and progressively overwhelms the vibrational bump. This happens especially for T > 345 K when the protein goes through an unfolding process, which leads to the complete denaturation. The quasielastic term is the superposition of two components whose intensities and linewidths have been studied as a function of temperature. The slower component describes motions with characteristic times of 4 ps corresponding to reorientations of polypeptide side chains. Both the intensity and linewidth of this kind of relaxations show two distinct regimes with a crossover in the temperature range where the melting process occurs, thus suggesting the presence of a dynamical transition correlated to the protein unfolding. Conversely the faster component might be ascribed to the local dynamics of hydrogen atoms caged by the nearest neighbors with characteristic time of 0.3 ps.
Complete article is available online.
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