Physicochemical studies on the stability of influenza haemagglutinin in vaccine bulk material.
Physicochemical studies on the stability of influenza haemagglutinin in vaccine bulk material.
September 2004
Luykx DM, Casteleijn MG, Jiskoot W, Westdijk J, Jongen PM., Center for Biological Medicines and Medical Technology, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
Eur J Pharm Sci. 2004 Sep;23(1):65-75.
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The relative unknown conformational stability of monovalent bulks of influenza virus haemagglutinin (HA) from three different strains (B/Guangdong, A/New Caledonia and A/Panama) was investigated with fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Various stress conditions (concentration of denaturant, freeze-thawing, pH and temperature) affected the spectroscopic properties of the haemagglutinin proteins differently. Unfolding experiments revealed a poor stability of Guangdong haemagglutinin (GD-HA) in comparison with New Caledonia (NC-HA) and Panama haemagglutinin (P-HA). Freeze-thawing altered the secondary and tertiary structure of Guangdong haemagglutinin and only the tertiary structure of Panama haemagglutinin. From pH 4.6-9.2 the tertiary structures of Guangdong, New Caledonia and Panama haemagglutinin were all affected to a different extent. The secondary structure was only altered at low pH. Incubation of haemagglutinin at 60 degrees C resulted in denaturation of the protein and a dramatic change of the fluorescence spectrum, indicative of oxidised tryptophan (Trp). In conclusion, fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy are highly suitable techniques to monitor the stability of haemagglutinin in a straightforward and fast way.
PMID: 15324924 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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