Peptides redesigned for drug development
Peptides redesigned for drug development
Engineering Village 2
2006 Elsevier Inc.
Accession number: 05389366282
Title: Peptides redesigned for drug development
Authors: Gross, Michael
Serial title: Chemistry World
Abbreviated serial title: Chem. World
Volume: v 2
Issue: n 8
Issue date: August 2005
Publication year: 2005
Pages: p 15
Language: English
ISSN: 1473-7604
Document type: Journal article (JA)
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Abstract: The UK researchers have reported that the exchange of just a few amino acids, chosen with the help of a novel algorithm, can create unusually stable proteins suitable for pharmaceutical industry. The team is set to improve the properties of calcitonin, a peptide hormone of calcium ions in bones, which is used to treat osteoporosis. The team created more than 600 theoretical sequence variants, each based on no more than six exchanges that were predicted to enhance solubility and stability. The screening resulted in the identification of three promising candidates, which were synthesized and tested in comparison with the human and salmon variants of the hormone, using in vitro tests for aggregation and interaction with the calcitonin receptors.
Abstract type: (Edited abstract)
Number of references: 1
Database: Compendex
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