Optimization of the Freeze-Drying Cycle: A New Model for Pressure Rise Analysis
Optimization of the Freeze-Drying Cycle: A New Model for Pressure Rise Analysis
Number 7 / 2004
P. Chouvenc A1 A2, S. Vessot A1, J. Andrieu A1, P. Vacus A2
Drying Technology
Taylor & Francis
A1 Laboratoire d?Automatique et de G?nie des Proc?d?s?LAGEP-UMR Q 5007, CNRS UCB Lyon1-CPE, Villeurbanne, Cedex, France
A2 Aventis Pasteur, Campus M?rieux, Marcy L?Etoile, France
The principal aim of this study was to evaluate the Pressure Rise Analysis (PRA) method as a nonintrusive method for monitoring the product temperature during primary drying of the freeze-drying process of model pharmaceutical formulations. The principle of this method, based on the MTM method initially published by Milton et al.1 consisted in interrupting rapidly the water vapor flow from the sublimation chamber to the condenser chamber and by analyzing the resulting dynamics of the chamber total pressure increase. A new physical model, named PRA model, based on elementary heat and mass balance equations and on constitutive equations expressing the elementary fluxes, was proposed and validated in this study for interpreting the experimental pressure rise data. It was possible to identify very precisely the values of some key parameters of the freeze-drying process such as the ice sublimation interface temperature, the mass transfer resistance of the dried layer and the overall heat transfer coefficient of the vial. The identified ice front temperatures were compared with experimental data obtained from vial bottom temperatures measured by thin thermocouples during freeze-drying runs of 5% w/v mannitol solutions. These two sets of data were found consistent with a maximum difference of no more than 2?C. The dried layer mass transfer resistance increased linearly as a function of its thickness, and the values were coherent with the few literature data published for this system. The method also led to reliable values of the vial overall heat transfer coefficient of approximately 20 Wm -2 K -1 in accordance with the published data for this type of vials and these experimental freeze-drying conditions.
Freeze-dryer control, PRA model, MTM model, Pharmaceuticals freeze-drying, Ice sublimation temperature
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