IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE advances the application of engineering sciences and technology to medicine and biology, promotes the profession, and provides global leadership for the benefit of its members and humanity by disseminating knowledge, setting standards, fostering professional development, and recognizing excellence.
Field of Interest
The field of interest of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society is the application of the concepts and methods of the physical and engineering sciences in biology and medicine. This covers a very broad spectrum ranging from formalized mathematical theory through experimental science and technological development to practical clinical applications. It includes support of scientific, technological, and educational activities.
EMBS Executive Office
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA
Telephone: + 1 732 981 3433
Facsimile: + 1 732 465 6435