Freeze-dried interferon spray and its preparation method
Patent number: CN1569223
Publication date: 2005-01-26
Inventor: WU YIJIAN (CN)
Applicant: WU YIJIAN (CN)
- international: A61K38/21; A61K9/12; A61P31/12; A61P31/14; A61P11/00
- european:
Application number: CN20030134418 20030722
Priority number(s): CN20030134418 20030722
Abstract of CN1569223

The magnetoresistance effect film is capable of performing enough function without employing an antiferromagnetic layer. The film comprises: a seed layer; a first pinned magnetic layer formed on the seed layer; an antiferromagnetically coupling layer formed on the first pinned magnetic layer; a second pinned magnetic layer formed on the antiferromagnetically coupling layer; a nonmagnetic layer formed on the second pinned magnetic layer; a free magnetic layer formed on the nonmagnetic layer; and a protection layer formed on the free magnetic layer. The seed layer fixes magnetizing directions of the first and the second pinned magnetic layer. The seed layer is made of a material which does not exchange-couple with the first pinned magnetic layer.
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