Container for lyophilizing biological products
Patent Number: US6517526
Publication date: 2003-02-11
Inventor(s): TAMARI YEHUDA [US]
Requested Patent: US6517526
Application Number: US20020038688 20020102
Priority Number(s): US20020038688 20020102; US20000754045 20001229
IPC Classification: B65D81/18
EC Classification: A61L2/26, F26B5/06
The invention is an improved container for collecting, freeze-drying, storing, reconstituting, and administering biological solutions and, in particular, blood products. The container features a pliable bottom wall providing intimate thermal contact with the cooling/heating shelf of the lyophilizer; a top wall incorporating a hydrophobic membrane providing a path for water vapor and a bacterial barrier; and side walls sufficiently stiff to support the ceiling but preferably also sufficiently flexible to collapse and minimize storage space especially once lyophilization is complete. The walls incorporate sealable ports that can be used to load the solution for processing and/or adding reconstituting liquids and/or administering the reconstituted solution to a patient. The top wall may incorporate a removable cover that protects the membrane before freeze-drying takes place. A secondary pouch encloses the container immediately post-lyophilization and may incorporate means to evacuate its inner space thereby reducing space and limiting the gas volume the final product is exposed to during storage.
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