Chinese medicine gelsmium elegans total alkaloid for anticancer and analgesia, and medicinal composition containing it and preparing method thereof
Patent number: CN1528767
Publication date: 2004-09-15
- international: C07G5/00; A61K35/78; A61K9/00; A61P35/00; A61P29/00; A61P25/04
- european:
Application number: CN20030159674 20030926
Priority number(s): CN20030159674 20030926
Abstract of CN1528767

The invention discloses an anticancer and antalgic Chinese medicinal Gelsmium elegans total alkaloid and drug combination containing it as well as its preparing method, where the Gelsmium elegans total alkaloid is extracted from the raw material Chinese medicinal Gelsmium elegans and the Gelsmium elegans total alkaloid and acceptable carrier or excipient in any pharmacy are made into drug combination whose drug form can be oral preparation and also injection, concretely speaking tablet, capsule, soft capsule, oral solution, injection solution, transfusion, powder injection and freeze-dried powder injection. The drug combination has good anticancer effect and high-quality ntalgic function and the drug combination's antalgic strength is inferior to morphia's and superior to other clinical antalgics'.
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