7th Advanced Forum on Biotech Patents November 29-30, 200
7th Advanced Forum on Biotech Patents November 29-30, 2006
Boston, MA
Why You Should Attend
Cut through the confusion of the myriad new challenges facing biotech patent practice
In this past year there has been a renewed interest in patent reform by Congress, the public, the PTO and now even the Supreme Court. In the already complicated world of biotech patenting, it is crucial to not only anticipate and understand this evolving legal environment but to also incorporate such change into developing and managing your biotech patent portfolio. Proposed reforms like limiting continuation and restriction practices and pending Supreme Court patent decisions could have a vast impact on strategies for filing and drafting biotech patents. If these dilemmas were not enough, there are new emerging standards developing for claim construction and still unanswered questions about the research patent tools exemption. Meanwhile, as science progresses at an increasingly rapid rate, a number of new challenges arise in relation to biotech patents. In short, anyone drafting biotech patents needs to be able to incorporate these standards, changes and scientific realities into their patents to ensure that they are not subjected to damaging future claims, both in the United States and abroad.
With all of this in mind, the American Conference Institute has developed the 7th Advanced Forum on BIOTECH PATENTS: Analysis, Insights and Strategies for New Challenges in Biotech Patent Practice to provide you with the most up-to-date and complete information on how to incorporate the current legal developments effectively into your biotech patent practice. Leading patent practitioners and experienced in-house counsel from Abbott Bioresearch Center, Agensys Inc., Athersys Inc., ChondroGene, Inc., Iovate Health Sciences Inc., Merck & Co, Inc., Novo Nordisk, Schering-Plough Corporation, and Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. will show you how to:
REASSESS your biotech patent strategy in light of recent rule changes, Federal Circuit and Supreme Court decisions
CONSIDER the impact of generic biologics on drafting biotech applications in the future
HANDLE the tough claim construction questions in the biotech industry
UNDERSTAND the troubling resurgence of decisions finding inequitable conduct
APPRECIATE the increasing importance and complexity of diagnostic testing in the biotech industry
Also, add value to your experience by attending our interactive workshop: The Master Class on Drafting Successful Patent Applications for Biotechnology Related Inventions. This in-depth session, led by an outstanding faculty of experts, will show you how to master the art of drafting complex patent applications for your biotech inventions, in addition to harnessing and maximizing their unique value.
Take this opportunity to get the most updated and comprehensive information and advice you need from leading-edge biotech patent practitioners while you network with your peers and colleagues. You also will benefit from the detailed written materials prepared specifically for this conference. Reserve your spot at this invaluable event! Register now by calling 888.224.2480; by faxing your registration form to 877.927.1563; or registering online.