Small RNA?s Move into the Spotlight

Small RNA?s Move into the Spotlight
11 Oct 2005
By Jessica Shah
Historically, biological research worldwide has focused primarily on genes, the functional sections of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules that are believed to play the key role in regulating life. The significance given to genes was exhibited in the billion-dollar international Human Genome Project that was completed in 2003. The project succeeded in sequencing of the human genome, opening a new chapter in biological research. A couple of years ago, ribonucleic acid (RNA), once thought of as less prominent in regulating life, began to move into the spotlight.
Small RNA?s have been found to play a major role in gene expression, which are required for proper functioning of an organism?s body. Small RNAs are approximately 20-24 nucleotides long including, small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA). The siRNA?s have been used to silence the expression of specific genes at the post-transcriptional level by a pathway known as RNA interference (RNAi). Many researchers are exploiting siRNAs in gene function studies or pathways analyses. Others are using RNAi in their drug development processes or are evaluating siRNAs as therapeutic agents. The miRNA?s have been shown to regulate target gene expression, therefore have been researched with hope of the discovery of novel therapeutics or diagnostic targets.
Scientists are realizing the importance of small RNA?s, as these molecules may hold key information to better understanding genetic defects, plant development, immune systems, stem cell research, and other cellular functions. Most recently, a researcher, Dr. Philip Sharp, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, revealed that an interfering RNA corresponding to a specific region in the human genome could effectively inhibit the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) from replicating. This is a breakthrough discovery for the treatment of one of the most deadly diseases, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Theoretically, the understanding of small RNA?s could lead to treatments of complicated viruses and diseases, such as SARS. In order, to better address this area, drug discovery technology companies are working on the development of innovative products.
Since the field of small RNA is extremely new, there is tremendous opportunity for manufacturers to enhance or develop technology. The analysis of small RNA expression experiences two technological challenges. The first challenge is the isolation of small RNA?s because most standard RNA isolation protocols are not designed to efficiently recover small RNAs molecules. For example, glass fiber filters, which are widely used to prepare total RNAs, do not quantitatively recover various RNAs that are smaller than 200 nucleotides (such as 5S rRNA, snRNAs, snoRNAs, tRNAs, miRNAs, and siRNAs). Commercially available total RNA preparations do not always contain representative amounts of small RNA molecules because the RNA isolation protocols have not been optimized to recover small RNAs. It is expected that RNA isolation product manufacturers will work to develop innovative solutions to better isolate small RNA?s. Researchers are likely to adapt to improved small RNA isolation techniques, as it is crucial to generate high quality results.
The second technological challenge for analysis of small RNA is that development for increased sensitivity for the detection of small RNAs. RT-PCR, while being very sensitive, cannot be used to amplify small RNAs since in standard RT-PCR, the primers are about the same size as the small RNAs. As a result, siRNAs and miRNAs have been primarily detected by northern analysis, a technique that is time-consuming and relatively insensitive. It is expected that manufacturers will respond to this demand of improved small RNA detection technology with greater sensitivity and efficiency.
Once the small RNA is isolated, other challenges are faced when used in experimentation. For example, delivery or transfecting small RNA?s to target cells, obtaining optimal stability of small RNA, toxicity levels of small RNA, and standardization of small RNA technologies. As manufacturers improve or develop technology for small RNA research, the market is expected experience to boost in revenues.
The challenges that small RNA researchers are presented with current technology open up a spectrum of opportunities for manufacturers. Manufacturers for small RNA identification platforms, small RNA isolation/purification products, small RNA amplification tools and small RNA delivery solutions are expected to have increased opportunities as researchers focus on the importance of small RNA?s for the use of medicine, agriculture and other fields. The shift in focus from DNA research to small RNA research is expected to enhance the revenue for the small RNA market. In addition, this shift has also caused an increase in funding for small RNA research. Previously funding sources were heavily concentrated on genomic research, now funding sources are targeted at post-genomic research, including small RNA studies. Therefore, the implementation of enabling technologies for small RNA research in the experimentation community is predicted to contribute to a healthy market growth in the high double digits over the next few years.
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