Pyrithioxine hydrochloride freeze-dried power injection and its preparing method
Patent number: CN1491648
Publication date: 2004-04-28
Inventor: XIONG WEI (CN)
Applicant: XIONG WEI (CN)
- international: A61K31/4415; A61K9/19; A61P43/00
- european:
Application number: CN20030157314 20030918
Priority number(s): CN20030157314 20030918
Abstract of CN1491648
The present invention relates to a kind of freeze dried powder for intravenous injection with pyritinol hydrochloride as main component and its preparation process. The freeze dried powder for intravenous injection with pyritinol hydrochloride as main component is prepared by using water for injection or bacteria-free water as solvent, and mannitol and sodium chloride as supplementary material, and through freeze drying process. The present invention has no limitation of requiring bacteria-free material.
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