Protective effect of fermented red ginseng on a transient focal ischemic rats.
Protective effect of fermented red ginseng on a transient focal ischemic rats.
November 2004
Bae EA, Hyun YJ, Choo MK, Oh JK, Ryu JH, Kim DH., College of Pharmacy and Kyung Hee University, 1, Hoegi, Dongdaemun-ku, Seoul 130-701, Korea.
Arch Pharm Res. 2004 Nov;27(11):1136-40.
Red ginseng and fermented red ginseng were prepared, and their composition of ginsenosides and antiischemic effect were investigated. When ginseng was steamed at 98-100 degrees C for 4 h and dried for 5 h at 60 degrees C, and extracted with alcohol, its main components were ginsenoside Rg3> ginsenoside Rb1 > ginsenoside Rb2. When the ginseng was suspended in water and fermented for 5 days by previously cultured Bifidobacterium H-1 and freeze-dried (fermented red ginseng), its main components were compound K > ginsenoside Rg3 > or = ginsenoside Rh2. Orally administered red ginseng extract did not protect ischemia-reperfusion brain injury. However, fermented red ginseng significantly protected ischemica-reperfusion brain injury. These results suggest that ginsenoside Rh2 and compound K, which was found to be at a higher content in fermented red ginseng than red ginseng, may improve ischemic brain injury.
PMID: 15595417 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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