Method for increasing solubility of parabuxinidine-D injection
Patent Number: CN1456165
Publication date: 2003-11-19
Inventor(s): GUO SHUPING [CN]
Applicant(s): GUO SHUPING [CN]
Requested Patent: CN1456165
Application Number: CN20030131627 20030603
Priority Number(s): CN20030131627 20030603
IPC Classification: A61K31/58; A61K47/12; A61P9/10
A method for improving the solubility of cyclovirobuxine D injection in the form of liquid, freeze dried injection, sodium chloride injection, or glucose injection is prepared through mixing cyclovirobuxine D with acidic substance, adding excipient to obtain powder, holding pH value to 1-6.5, and stirring. Its advantages are high solubility in acidic solution (up to 100%), low cost and high curative effect.

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