Freezing-drying powder-injection contg. dexamethasone sodium phosphate, and its prepn. method
Patent number: CN1559413
Publication date: 2005-01-05
Inventor: HU XIU-AI (CN)
Applicant: HU XIU AI (CN)
- international: A61K31/573; A61K9/19; A61P29/00; A61P37/08; A61P37/06
- european:
Application number: CN200410016686 20040226
Priority number(s): CN200410016686 20040226
Abstract of CN1559413

A dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection in the form of freeze-dried powder is proportionally prepared from dexamethasone sodium phosphate, supporting agent for freeze-dried powder, antioxidizing agent and pH regulator.
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