Freeze-dry snow lotus powder for venous injection and its preparation method
Patent number: CN1500500
Publication date: 2004-06-02
Inventor: QIU YU (CN); AN LIN (CN); WANG YING (CN)
- international: A61K35/78; A61K9/19; A61P29/00
- european:
Application number: CN20020134078 20021115
Priority number(s): CN20020134078 20021115
Abstract of CN1500500

The freeze dried Saussurea involucrata powder for intravenous injection is used in treating rheumatism, pain waist and knee, traumatic injury and women's diseases. Compared with available technology, the present invention has raised Saussurea involucrata flavone purity. The present invention also includes the preparation process of the freeze dried Saussurea involucrata powder for intravenous injection, and the preparation process includes crushing Saussurea involucrata into coarse powder, extracting with proper solvent, dissolving the initial extractive, adsorption with adsorbing column, solvent elution, concentration and drying of the eluted liquid to obtain Saussurea involucrata extractive, mixing with proper amount of freeze drying supporting agent, dissolving in injection water, sterilizing, filtering, regulating pH to 6-9, packing and freeze drying.
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