Development of a freezing drier for lyophilization of biomaterials
Development of a freezing drier for lyophilization of biomaterials
2004 Jun
Wu Z, Gen M, Sun T, Fu X, Xiong D, Qiao Y, Song Y, Sun S, Sheng Z.
Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi.
[Article in Chinese]
Research Department of Burn Institute, 304th Hospital, Beijing 100037, China.
To observe and assess the performance and effect of our self-made FD-1 freezing drier on biomaterials. R502 compressor and R502 refrigerating agent were adopted. In the experiment, FD-1 lyophilized collagen sponge, strain and defibrinogenase. The evaporating-condenser temperature reached -45 degrees C and the small icebox temperature reached -30 degrees C under the loading or free-loading circumstances in the lyophilizing box. The lyophilized collagen sponge had many pores in the structure, and the strain and the defibrinogenase were lyophilized and maintained satisfactorily. This freezing drier is suitable for lyophilizing some biomaterial samples in small or medium batches.
PMID: 15250157 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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