Compound bone peptide for injection and its preparation process
Patent Number: CN1579541
Publication date: 2005-02-16
Inventor(s): JIANG WEISHI [CN]
Applicant(s): JIANG WEISHI [CN]
Requested Patent: CN1579541
Application Number: CN200410013572 20040223
Priority Number(s): CN200410013572 20040223
IPC Classification: A61K38/17; A61K35/64; A61P29/00; A61P19/02; A61P19/10
The invention is an injection compound bone peptide and its manufacturing method. The compound bone peptide is apt to be polymerized into high molecular in the storing process, and affects the safety of the medicine. Its ingredients are: multi-peptide substance and excepient, the multi-peptide substance is extracted from limb bones of mammals and dried body of scorpion, then the compound peptide solution is added in excepient and forms asepsis freeze-dry product, its weight shares are multi-peptide substance 1-5, excepient 20-90, the molecular weight of the multi-peptide substance is 3000-10000 Dalton, the pH value is 3.5-8.5, and it represents royal purple when reacting with ninhydrin, the character is white blocks or formless solid, and it is soluble in water and physiological saline. The product can be applied to cure rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and cervical spondylosis.

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